
Glasgow restaurant introduces special new menu in UK first

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  • Glasgow restaurant introduces special new menu in UK first

Do you often pause to question what you’re really putting in your body? As men over 40, our dietary needs shift, and this unnoticed reality can take a toll on our health, especially our hearts. A unique diet from Glasgow’s ‘Italian Kitchen’ offers a targeted solution with its ‘Extra Life Kitchen menu,’ designed to shield us from heart disease, the silent predator.

This health-focused diet is no deprivation chore. Picture this: Luscious dishes containing tomatoes, fresh fish, nuts, berries, olive oil, and dark chocolate, all lovingly crafted to nourish your body, heart, and soul. Delight in antioxidants from tomatoes, protective Omega-3 from fish, and blood-pressure reducing dark chocolate. And yes, there’s even room for a daily glass of heart-helping red wine, thanks to the beneficial resveratrol compound within.

This revolution isn’t solely about what we eat though; it encourages mindful eating. Savor the flavors, appreciate the ingredients, and your body will reward you with better health and longevity.

Think this could be another food trend? Or a lifeline to a healthier, more vibrant future? As a nutrition coach, I’m here to help you sift through the noise and make meaningful choices about your health. Curious how this could transform your life as a man over 40? Let’s chat today.   Read the source article here

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